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Mafo - this German abbreviation for market research is very well known in the industry. It is often associated with elaborate columns of numbers that are only there to tell what could be and whether what I am asking is the right approach. Why? Because marketeers fear doing the wrong thing and being punished by their bosses and boards. Classic market research has now developed many methods that further reinforce this approach. Since we know that, according to Ludwig Erhardt, “50% of the economy is psychology” - so why would we want to know only half of the available information using classic Mafo and not approach it psychologically right from the start? This is exactly what [sofistiq] ( does with their futurelytics concept. They use the method [Repertory Grid] (, invented by George R. Kelly in the 1950s. It starts where customers 'thoughts and wishes begin and not where the marketeers' suggestions need approval - a system that forms its own framework and thus formulates the impulses for the future and in depth brand analysis. Not the questions: which car would you drive? Do you like this or that feature more? But: What is your perfect car? What should it be able to do and how does it help you to shape your everyday life? Or - to put it like futurologist Sven Gabor Janzky - "If you drive on the Autobahn at 200 and you just concentrate on the rear-view mirror, it can go well for a while, but it doesn't have to." This is exactly what you do when you rely on classic brand analyzes only. Together with our partner [Dr. Matthias Rosenberger] (, we have the [Book Futurelytics] ( / "Futurelytics on Amazon") and show methods how you can leave this classic marketing trap. Back to the future of customer needs with Futurelytics.

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Futurelytics Namensidee