torpedo motor — design & marketing for moto, automotive, exclusive brands Design & marketing for industries, lifestyle, exclusive brands.
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Imprint and contact details

Legal info and contact details according to §5 TMG

torpedo motor – friends of creative & digital marketing GmbH
Forststraße 7
04229 Leipzig
CEO: Thomas Hankel

Phone: +49 341 / 3086690
Registration Court: Leipzig, 33241
USt-ID: DE 309 522 749

This imprint is also binding for our Social Media channels Facebook and Instagram.

For direct inquiries

If you're looking to get in touch with us, this is the right place. It is best if you contact us directly. The quickest way to do this is to send an email to or fill in this form. Please note that we process your data. Find more about how we use data in our data protection information.

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