torpedo motor — design & marketing for moto, automotive, exclusive brands Design & marketing for industries, lifestyle, exclusive brands.
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The office and the community work is one of the milestones of torpedo. Under the leadership of music management pioneer Tim Renner, a community was created that produced, accompanied and still does support many German artists from Rammstein to Sportfreunde Stiller and Tocotronic. was the music editor and interactive radius in the universe. later became [] ( and the community work and editing was continued directly under Tim Renner. As one of the first CEO's in the German music market, Tim Renner disrupted and thus enriched German music history and we at torpedo are proud to have been part of it.

  • Website concept and production
  • Editorial organization and editorial management
  • Community management, development of the community Community Website
Pionierarbeit im Netz mit Tim Renner