torpedo motor — design & marketing for moto, automotive, exclusive brands Design & marketing for industries, lifestyle, exclusive brands.
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Eine Woche unter härtesten Bedingungen

zumindest für Leipziger Office-Urbans, denn mitten im polnischen Wald fand sich nur sporadisches Internet. Fünf Tage haben wir mit unseren Trainern Allan, Dukke, Femke und Tarzan und Coach Jagna von Freemindhorse mit der Horse Assisted Education Methode gelernt, innere Balance zu finden und uns gegenseitig zu unterstützen. Da steigt der Chef auch mal selbst auf’s Pferd! Mit neuen tollen Erfahrungen, Eindrücken und Ideen geht es zurück in die Messestadt.

This week we had very inspiring days with the whole Torpedo family! We have spent 5 days in total nature - to be more specific in a very country side of Poland. Some of us were first time in Poland and some were first time so long in country side. Imagine your office with a field view, horses, forest, lake - sounds unrealistic right? We love doing unexpected things not only by being creative in our work for clients but also in spending time with our team. The main aim of this trip was to learn the horse assisting education together with Free Mind Horse. This experience was really eye opening and just in 5 days taught us things what we would probably learn in many years. We have learned how to be balanced in our life, how to keep calm, how to trust each other, how to help and support, how to be individuals but also a great team, how to respect others interests and how to simply be happy. We also for sure became more closer to each other - which will make from now on our time in office even more enjoyable and fun! So we are looking forward in sharing some more stories.

Willkommen in Polen
Willkommen in Polen
Pensjonat Leśniczówka
Pensjonat Leśniczówka
Eine Woche unter härtesten Bedingungen
Eine Woche unter härtesten Bedingungen
Eine Woche unter härtesten Bedingungen
Eine Woche unter härtesten Bedingungen

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